As a specialist in the Health & Aged Care sector, we understand that working with our society’s most vulnerable requires an uncompromising level of commitment and care. Our in-depth knowledge of not-for-profit organisations and the Care sector has been gained over many years as an insurance and risk advisor to Aged Care Facilities, Retirement Villages and Retirement Homes.

We understand the challenges posed by government funding, volunteer workforces, increased regulation and compliance, and an aging workforce population.

HMD is committed to becoming a true extension of your business and will work with your organisation to utilise technology to improve efficiencies associated to your incident reporting framework.

How we can help

We use our knowledge and experience to help clients diligently manage their total cost of risk, reduce financial volatility, and maximise the value of their total spend whilst also helping them to work towards achieving compliance requirements to help protect their reputation as an aged care provider. This strategy will enable you to focus on delivering the essential services that you provide to the community.