Insurance and risk advice is no time for compromise. At HMD, we bring a high-end service and advisory approach to the Australian middle market. We provide expertise and advice in all facets of insurance and risk management across a wide range of industry segments. Our personalised approach provides strategic market insight and tailored advice to deliver innovative, client centric solutions. It’s vital to have access to multiple insurance and risk options so, so once identified, your needs can be effectively met. Ultimately, we see our role as your dedicated insurance and risk partner protecting both your personal and business assets.

Our general insurance advice goes beyond simply procuring an insurance policy. We will take the time to understand every detail of your organisation. Conduct an analysis of your risk needs and recommend the most appropriate covers to protect your assets and liabilities.
Our expertise spans across all classes of business and domestic insurance including, Property, Business Interruption, Liability, Directors’ & Officers’, Cyber, Professional Indemnity, Medical Malpractice, Clinical Trials, Contract Works, Marine, Home & Contents, Travel and Motor.

We provide risk advisory services to small businesses that are starting on their risk management journey, through to larger organisation that are seeking practical guidance and insights into designing and implementing a risk management strategy.

We provide workplace risk advisory services through our dedicated team of specialist consultants. We assist our clients in both work health & safety (WHS) and workers compensation to deliver the right advice and protection for your employees.

The true value of any insurance program and insurance adviser is most evident following the unfortunate event of a claim. At HMD, we work for you as your advocate, to ensure your insurance policy responds in the manner you expect – a satisfactory settlement finalised in a timely manner. This will enable your organisation to continue to operate with the lowest possible impact on your day-to-day operations.

Alternative risk transfer (ART) strategies can take many forms and is an effective way to retain or pool risk. Organisations considering ART should have an appetite to take ownership of their risk and a commitment to risk management. Benefits of an ART solution can include:
- Price stability – smoothing of insurance premiums during adverse market conditions.
- Flexibility to develop tailored coverage – provide funding and cover for high-risk events not insurable in the commercial insurance market.
- Direct access to reinsurance markets.
- Greater control over claims outcomes.
- The ability to earn investment income on premiums paid and share in underwriting profit.
- Funding to improve risk management or provide premium relief in future years.
Large & Complex Organisations
The risks faced by Directors and Executive Management of large organisations have a high degree of complexity and continue to be closely scrutinised by regulators and shareholders. At HMD, we work with you to understand your risk profile and deliver insurance and risk insights as to how industry trends, changes in legislation, and the current political landscape can impact your organisation.
Our expertise, comprehensive governance frameworks and risk management advice will help you to align your risk financing and insurance strategy to your business objectives to help you remain ahead of the curve and your competition.
We focus on working in partnership with you to:
- Proactively identify risk
- Understand the existing risk management controls you have in place
- Consider the broadest possible range of risk financing and insurance solutions available
- Create a risk transfer solution which strikes a balance between the resources and appetite of your company to manage risk, versus transferring risk to insurers.
Associations & Clubs
HMD provides advice to many not-for-profit groups, such as industry associations and clubs. We provide insurance and risk solutions for the benefit of both the organisation and its members. We will engage with you and your membership to understand your shared risk exposures and insurance needs to help foster a strong community.
We will work collaboratively with you to:
- Understand the risk and insurance needs of your organisation and members
- Provide risk management insights, industry trends and shared learnings
- Leverage the combined scale of your members to maximise the benefits of your group insurance program
- Deliver claims advocacy, analysis, and ongoing education of members
Mid-sized & Growing Businesses
Business insurance can be complicated, we help business owners to grow with confidence by designing strategies that maximise cover and minimise cost. We will work with you arrange a tailored insurance program to safeguard you against the insurable risks of operating your business. We will then take the time to explain how your insurance program protects you, so you can better plan for any future disruptions to your operations.